Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Outline as of November 4th 2009


Group 15 - Team Buzzworthy”
Members: Jeff Chang, Melissa Carroll, Jennifer, Palisoc, Brian Arendt, Katrina Rosiak


Popular Culture

The Impact of Mass Media on Body Image

Brian Arent and Katrina Rosiak

Brian and I are conducting the literature review on previous research on body image and dissatisfaction in mass media. Between Brian and I, we have compiled at least 15 scholarly articles and have begun to write annotated bibliographies for each. The annotated bibliography layout will be in APA (American Psychological Association) format and contain the following information; a brief summary of the article, then a short assessment and critique of the article, followed by a statement as to how the article relates to our research study and why we feel it is relevant to our topic. (A bibliographic listing of the articles under literary review can be found on the final page of this outline.)

Jeff Chang

I am doing the empirical research through survey research. I have created a fourteen questions based survey that collects demographic data, media consumption, and body images. Responses for the survey will be garnered through social networking sites, email, and in person methods. Currently, data collection is still in progress and will be completed at the end of November. This will be followed be analysis of the data to determine any correlation that is present. More information about the survey can be found at

Jenna Palisoc
I am focusing on the analysis of popular magazines and print ads, more specifically “Cosmopolitan” for the female demographic and “GQ” for men. I am looking for common body characteristics in order to determine ways in which they may affect body image. Also, I am looking at top ten music videos and their artists in order to analyze the messages of their songs as well as the message of their videos, if there is a consistent theme, and what makes it appealing. I am looking for ways in which the artists dress and present themselves as well as the other characters in their videos. I am currently in the process of analyzing 16-year-old Miley Cyrus’ “Party in the U.S.A.” and Brittany Spears’ new single, “3.” I am looking at what this message says to its younger fans and once again how the body image of the characters in the video are In terms of television shows, I plan to analyze the key common characteristics of main characters and how audience members perceive them, and television shows and their characters.

Melissa Carroll
I am planning on tracking the trends and demographics of the mass media’s effect on body image and look for correlations. I have a definition of beauty standards and plan on using that definition as a starting point for connecting past and present beauty standard trends. I am collecting articles about beauty trends and standards from the 19th century to present. This includes fashion and body type with images to add visual interest. Also, I found an article from a Canadian online news source called Ontario Women's Directorate, which includes history of body image, gender socialization, images and messages in the media and statistics about body image effects on the population. Look for examples of videos on team weblog.

Criteria For Group Member Evaluation

  • Meet established group deadlines. (October 21, 2009, November 3, 2009, November 17, 2009, TBD, December 9, 2009)
  • Courteous communication with group members.
  • Contribute to project ideas regularly.

Tiggemann, M, & Slater, A. (2004). Thin Ideals in Music Television: A Source of Social Comparison and Body Dissatisfaction. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 35(1), 48-58.

Bell, M. (2004). There's Something About Barbie. JCT V. 20 No. 2 (Summer 2004) P. 53-64, 20(2), 53-64.

Parasecoli, F. (2007). Bootylicious: Food and the Female Body in Contemporary Black Pop Culture. Women's Studies Quarterly, 35(1/2), 110-125.

Cunningham, H. (2002). Prodigal Bodies: Pop Culture and Post-pregnancy. Michigan Quarterly Review V. 41 No. 3 (Summer 2002) P. 428-54, 41(3), 428-454.

Grabe, S., Hyde, J., Ward, L., Hyde, J., & Ward, L. (2008). The Role of the Media in Body Image Concerns Among Women: A Meta-Analysis of Experimental and Correlational Studies. Psychological Bulletin, 134(3), 460-476.

Agliata, D., & Tantleff-Dunn, S. (2004). The Impact of Media Exposure on Males' Body Image. Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology, 23(1), 7-22.

Owen, P., & Laurel-Seller, E. (2000). Weight and Shape Ideals: Thin is Dangerously in. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 30(5), 979-990.

Choi, Y., Leshner, G., & Choi, J. (2008). Third-Person Effects of Idealized Body Image in Magazine Advertisements. American Behavioral Scientist, 52(2), 147-164.

Phillips, B. (2005). Working Out: Consumers and the Culture of Exercise. Journal of Popular Culture, 38(3), 525-551.

Hall, K. (2004). A Soldier's Body: GI Joe, Hasbro's Great American Hero, and the Symptoms of Empire. The Journal of Popular Culture, 38(1), 34-54.

Boden, S. (2006). Dedicated followers of fashion? The influence of popular culture on children's social identities. Media, Culture & Society, 28(2), 289-298.

Dolby, L. (95). Pornography in Hungary: Ambiguity of the Female Image in a Time of Change. Journal of Popular Culture, 29, 119-127.

Railton, D. (2001). The Gendered Carnival of Pop. Popular Music, 20(3), 321-331.

Shelton, Maria L. (1997). Can't Touch This! Representations of the African American Female Body in Urban Rap Videos. Popular Music and Society, 21(3), 107-116.

Aubrey, J. (2007). The Impact of Sexually Objectifying Media Exposure on Negative Body Emotions and Sexual Self-Perceptions: Investigating the Mediating Role of Body Self-Consciousness. Mass Communication & Society, 10(1), 1-23.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's interesting that you are examining specifically Mylie Cyrus and Britney Spears. I think they are a great representation, especially because Britney was once in Mylie's shoes. I believe both singers have a huge influence on today's youth and I look forward to your analysis.

    Jessica Pelle
    Team 14
